Q: Can you hold a place before I apply?
答:不幸的是, no, 在各方签署租约并向PURE property 十大赌博信誉网站支付租金按金之前,我们不能持有物业.
Q: How much will it cost for me to move in once I’m approved for a rental?
答:PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站公司的标准迁入成本是在签订租约时支付第一个月的租金. We also offer a Security Deposit Replacement Program. 有了这个选项, 您将在租赁期间每月支付不可退还的费用,而不是传统的预付款. 还有你每月的房租, 您每月将收到39美元的住宿福利套餐,其中包括许多住宿福利,以使您的租房体验更好, 限制你的责任, and make for a smooth transition into your new rental home. Details on this resident program can be found at this link:
Q: How old do you have to be to apply?
A: Applicants must be over the age of 18 to apply.
Q: Is the security deposit refundable?
A:是的,按金是可以退还的,要视物业的情况而定. Within 21 days of your lease termination date, our property management team will provide a report from the move-out inspection, 记录损失, 如果有任何, to be charged that are considered beyond normal wear and tear. If you had given us a security deposit at move-in, 这些扣除额将从保证金中扣除,余额将退还给您. If you elected to use the Security Deposit Replacement Program, 这些扣除的费用将根据该计划的条款向您收取.
答:为了确保我们所有的住客都了解我们的宠物和动物相关政策, we require everyone to complete a third-party screening and review process, 包括没有宠物的申请人. 这个过程确保我们有正式的宠物和动物相关政策确认和准确的宠物/动物记录. PetScreening charges $25 per pet for a household pet screening. This Is a separate charge from the rental application fee. 为援助动物住宿请求创建的个人资料不收费,为没有宠物/动物的居民创建的个人资料不收费. A link will be emailed to you to complete a pet/animal application through
Only pet owners will need to pay the profile renewal fee. Assistance Animal and no-pet profiles renew at no cost.
There is no fee for verified assistance animals. Monthly fees for 宠物 will range between $50 and $100 per month per pet.
只有选定的属性允许宠物. The following breeds are not permitted: 斗牛s, 阿拉斯加雪橇犬, 罗纳维尔犬, 秋田犬, 周润发, 美国斯塔福德梗, 和美国斗牛犬. 杜宾犬, 拳击手, 德国牧羊犬, 大丹犬, 西伯利亚雪橇犬, 只狼的混血儿, 声部进入记号Canario, and any dog that has any of the above breeds in their lineage. If a dog has a history of violent behavior it is not allowed on the property.
包括服务性动物和支持性动物在内的援助动物不被视为宠物,也不需要支付任何费用. We do require a complete and approved screening via Petscreening.com. 宠物筛选将要求提供必要的文件来验证援助动物.
Q: Do I need to have insurance prior to move-in?
A: As part of our 居民 Benefit Package, 您将在入住时获得居民责任保险的自动保护. 这使您遵守租赁保险要求,并让您放心,您在入住时就已投保. 尽管我们建议您在租赁期间保留自动保护装置, 居民 providing proof of their own renters insurance with at least $100,000美元的个人责任保险,并将PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站列为附加保险, 让他们的租客保险在租期内保持活跃和有效, may opt-out of the automatic insurance provided at move-in.
Q: Who pays for utilities and how is the service setup?
A: Per the terms of our lease agreement, 居民有责任转移并支付物业可用的所有公用事业费用(燃气) & Electric, Water, Trash, TV, Telephone, etc.), unless otherwise agreed in writing by PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站. As part of our 居民 Benefit Package, we will provide assistance with the challenging process of setting up utilities, getting them transferred to your name, 建立联系. Once you have been approved for your rental and your lease is signed, you will be contacted by our Concierge Utility 团队. 他们会给你最好的价格,并带你完成整个公用事业设置过程.
A: To apply for one of our properties, 导航到“出租”页面,选择您想申请的长期房产. Then click 应用 Now to apply online.
A: Rent is due and required to be paid every month, 每个月的第一天, 在我们的在线居民门户网站, as direct deposit into PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站’s broker trust account.
Q: If I want to get a pet later, is it allowed after move-in?
A: If the property you are leasing is a pet friendly home, adding a pet during the course of your lease may be considered, subject to our standard pet policies. All 宠物 are subject to a “pet screening” at a cost of $20 per pet. Restrictions are as follows: two 宠物 maximum (some HOAs allow only one pet), 可接受的大小和品种, and a signed lease pet addendum by the resident. The following dog breeds may be cause for rejection: 秋田犬, 美国斗牛犬, 牛头獒, 獒, 周润发, 杜宾犬, 德国牧羊犬, 沙哑的, 声部进入记号Canario, 斗牛, 西伯利亚雪橇犬, 美国斯塔福德梗, 狼的狗, 斗牛梗, 比特斗牛梗, 罗特韦尔犬, and any mix or combination of the any of these.
Q: My lease expiration is coming and I want to extend for another lease term. 我该怎么办??
A: Notify one of our staff members in writing as soon as possible. Sometimes there may be a slight rent increase as part of the lease extension. 只要你在你的租金支付良好的信誉,否则没有违反你的租赁协议, 在大多数情况下,房东会考虑延长租期,并酌情批准延长租期. 在同意延期之前,我们的一位物业经理也会想和您见面,带您参观一下物业.
Q: My lease expiration is coming and I plan to move out. 我该怎么办??
A: Notify one of our staff members in writing as soon as possible, at least market-4-days before your lease end date. 然后,我们的物业经理会与您联系,安排搬家前检查(通常安排在搬家前两周)。. 正是在这次搬家前的检查中,我们将为您提供清洁和维修建议,以便您在搬家后尽可能多地收回押金. We will also schedule a full move-out inspection at the property, after you have moved out and vacated the property, 记录财产和任何需要收取保证金的物品的状况.
Q: I want to move out, but my roommate wants to stay. 我该怎么办??
A:尽快以书面形式通知我们的工作人员你想要搬离的日期. Our staff can then advise you on your remaining obligations, best options based on the terms of your lease, 您期望的搬家日期, and after speaking with the roommate(s).
Q: Who is responsible for paying for repairs & 维护请求?
A:支付维修和保养费用的责任取决于修理本身和需要维修的原因. 正常的磨损和定期维护项目通常是房东的责任. The resident is charged for all repairs or replacements caused by the resident, 宠物, and guests above and beyond normal wear and tear. 居民也要承担因没有及时报告问题而造成的财产损失,以及修理下水道堵塞或停止(除非是由于管道缺陷造成的)的费用.
Q: Are there any specific reasons why a lease would not be renewed?
A:有几个因素决定是否有资格续约,在某些情况下, PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站 may choose to not renew a resident's lease:
- 任何租约的续订都取决于住户是否接受涨租金, in the judgment of PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站, an increase is warranted based on current market comparatives.
- 如果居住者在租赁期间没有对物业表现出标准的照顾,并且物业经历了严重的宠物损坏或其他超出正常磨损的损坏,则租赁不得续签.
- PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站公司规定,居住在我们十大赌博信誉网站的物业内的居民有权安静地享受物业,并期望所有物业内的居民相互尊重,尊重房东. 对于被PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站认为有破坏性行为的居民,PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站将不再续签租赁协议, 在我们看来, to be a nuisance or has engaged in any of the following toward our company, 代理, 物业经理, 供应商, or any other person associated with the company or property:
- Sues or threatens to sue North Count Property Group or landlord
- 演示了粗鲁的, 讨厌的, 好战的, 充满敌意的, or threatening behavior and language, 包括语音信箱, 电子邮件或短信.
- Demonstrates ongoing dissatisfaction with the property, 我们的十大赌博信誉网站, 或者提供的服务水平
- 证明不遵守业主协会的规章制度或违反租约